Picture |
Business Name |
Location |
Owner/Operator |
Dates of Operation |
Comments: |
& Bordine |
Market St.
(Same address as Bellis &
Cummings) |
? -
1870's - ? |
Thanks to
Dennis Bartow |
F. J.
Arnold |
Edgmont Ave. |
? - 1915,
1917, 1918 - ? |
Thanks to
their ad in a Chester High annual, courtesy of Janet Andrews Moulder,
Wilmington, DE |
Emile E. Bucher
(8) |
615 Edgmont Ave. |
J. E.
Green |
Market St. |
? 1915,
1916 - 1925
- ? |
Thanks to their ads in the 1915
& 1916 Chester High annuals, courtesy of Janet Andrews Moulder,
Wilmington, DE
Havercamp's |
Market St. (1904)
Market St. (c. 1915 - 1918)
Market St.
(Over the Woolworth Building)
C. F.
? - 1903,
1916, 1918 - 1925
- ? |
Thanks to
their ads in Chester High annuals, courtesy of Janet Andrews Moulder,
Wilmington, DE
here for a picture of a Havercamps' ad
J. Jeanes |
Edgmont Ave.
? -
1880's - ? |
Thanks to
Dennis Bartow
Kida's Photo
Studio |
Near 3rd &
Grace St. |
Thanks to
Bob Felix,
felix@vitetta.com |
Kolasinsky's |
3rd & Hayes
(2 doors in off the corner, next to Michael's
Furniture) |
Thanks to
Bob Felix,
felix@vitetta.com |
B. Lewis |
Edgmont Ave. |
? - 1925
- ? |
Lewis Studio |
505 Market St. |
? - 1965 - ? |
Harold A. |
9th &
Crosby |
Harold A.
MacNeilly |
? -
1950's - 1960's |
"On 9th and Crosby,
across from the old Larkin school, was a corner photographer Harold A
MacNeilly. I don't remember the store name, but he sold cameras, accessories, developed
film + rented 16 mm films to the 7th street YMCA back in the 1950's.There were cowboys serials, as I remember, kids movies every
Saturday morning.
Also his son Richard (deceased) used to deliver and pick up films for tankers in Phila.
His father closed the store in the 1960's and worked for the Chester mayor for many years."
Thanks to Rudy
Koch |
Franklin Morris |
312 W.
7th St. (1915)
401 Market St. (1917, 1918)
Bell Phone 547-W; Local 354 |
? - 1915,
1917, 1918 - ? |
Thanks to
their ads in Chester High annuals, courtesy of Janet Andrews Moulder,
Wilmington, DE |
Studio |
3rd St. & Pusey |
Fred Muscella |
"The premier
photographer in Chester was Fred Muscella, Muscella Studio, on 3rd St and Pusey. Fred has
been in business for ever...
I worked for Fred for many years when I lived at 3rd and Lamokin. He is my cousin. He took
Wedding pictures for many , many people in Chester over the years."
Lou Calvarese,
Loucalpru@aol.com |
George F.
Nelson |
Spencer's Hobby shop |
George F.
Nelson |
"I worked for the
[Chester] Times for 15 years and had a studio over Spencers hobby shop for a couple years. I did mostly publicity for
PMC, Riddle Hospital, Overbrook school for the Blind, lots of post cards,
many, many weddings, worked for the Philadelphia Bulletin for 15 years. For many years I did the Kutztown Fair.
Too many to list."
Thanks to
George F. Nelson |
(8) |
35 W Third Street |
Ferdinand Nyemetz |
? - 1880's -
1890's - c. October 16, 1942 |
Ferdinand Nyemetz turned
80 on October 19, 1942 and closed his 3rd Street studio around October 16, 1942.
Thanks to
Dennis Bartow
Fred Peel |
Fred Peel |
1930's, 1940's |
Peel, whose family was originally from Detroit, Michigan, lived at
the Southwest corner of 9th & Parker streets. We believe that he built
the Detroit Apartments on Parker St. behind his residence and named them
for his home town.
Thanks to some first-hand
recollections from
Betty-Jane Bennett Smith
Photo Mart |
Ave. of the States at Welsh St. TR 6-0331 |
Thomas E. & Lucille M. Ricks |
- 1960's - |

Al Rosen Studio
Photo courtesy of Judith Talbot
"In memory of my mother, Elvira (Roma) Talbot."
Rosen Studio |
& Edgmont Ave.
(rear of Silvers 5 & 10) |
Rosen |
- 1940's - ? |