Full-color Mugs 
11-oz. White Ceramic Mugs
with Full-color imprint!
Set of 4 "Landmark" Full-color MugsNew lower
Set of 4 mugs $34.95
plus $9.00 shipping & handling
(Individual mugs from this set
plus 3.95 shipping & handling)
14" x 15" Heavyweight
Canvas Tote Bag
with outside pocket on the back! |
Chester Collage"
Tote Bags14" x 15" Heavyweight
With an outside pocket on the back!
Features a our original collage of
historic Chester landmarks.
Great for the beach, carrying your
genealogy papers, books, sewing, crafts supplies.
Order extras for gifts!
Tote Bag $15.00
plus $3.50 shipping & handling
14" x 15" Heavyweight
Canvas Tote Bag
with outside pocket on the back! |
High School"
Tote Bags14" x 15" Heavyweight
With an outside pocket on the back!
Great for the beach, carrying your
genealogy papers, books, sewing, crafts supplies.
Order extras for gifts!
Tote Bag $15.00
plus $3.50 shipping & handling
Ceramic Mugs

11-oz. White Ceramic Mug
Image is 2 3/4" high x 2 3/4" wide
"The Newsstand"
7th Street, Chester, PA
"I recently received my Newstand
Coffee Mug I don't know if it was because I grew up at 719 Crosby St. But I swear when I
had my firs cup of coffee, from the mug. I was transported back in time to the Old
Business District of Chester and the many pleasant memories. Thank you for idea of Coffee
Mugs with Newstand on cup many times it was my responsiblity to go to Newstand to get the
latest edition of Phila. Inquirer, as a young boy. Running past St. Michaels school with
the fear of the dark shadows. "
Otto Greenleaf
"The Newsstand"
7th Street, Chester, PAWe proudly present
the first in our exclusive series of limited edition collectable mugs featuring some of
Chester's most memorable landmarks.
The pen and ink sketch of "The Newsstand" was
professionally drawn by our artist. Visible in the background is St. Michael's
church, and in the foreground, a corner of Speare's Department store.
Start your collection now and order a few extras for
friends - what better gift for a lover of historic Chester, PA!
Single Mug $5.95
plus $3.95 shipping & handling
Sorry, this
item is now sold out (12/7/2005)
Books |

Faces and Places of my Boyhood Days in Chester, Penna,
May 1936
by Edward Nothnagle
With a complete index and a biography of Mr. Nothnagle
by John A. Bullock III.29 Pages
Plus a 9-page index
7.95 + 2.00 shipping

Unexpected Answer - The Story Behind OldChesterPa.com
7.95 + 1.00 shipping

Chester (and its Vicinity), Delaware County in Penna. with
Genealogical Sketches of some old families
by John Hill Martin
Originally published 1877
With a complete index by John A. Bullock III.642 Pages of History
Plus a 95-page index
59.95 + 8.50 shipping
[Click here for details
on our books about Chester, PA.]
Historic Chester Calendars
The hanging wall calendar is
approximately 11x17 inches.
All New Pictures!!!
Features a full-size picture of some Chester
landmark above each month...
14.95 + 2.00 shipping
Order by phone - 336-349-9232
(9 am - 10 pm Eastern Time only please)

Historic Chester Calendars
The hanging wall calendar is
approximately 11x17 inches.
All New Pictures!!!
Features a full-size picture of some Chester
landmark above each month...
2006 Pictures:
- Aerial view, Courthouse tower,
Post Office
- Deshong Museum, houses & businesses across Edgmont Ave.
- Oak Grove School
- Trolley & view up Welsh St., & Edgmont Ave. from 8th St.
- Kresge 5&10, Saville Beauty Shop, Flagg Bros. Shoe store, Loft's
Candies (west side of Market St. above 5th)
- Crozer Hospital
- St. Paul's/Old Swedes Cemetery & John Morton grave
- Waterfalls at Chester Park
- Third St. Bridge
- Stanley Theatre & Luncheonette
- Masonic Temple (soon after completion)
- Christmas Parade, 7th & Edgmont c. 1965
Includes historic Chester "trivia" on
most of the days.
14.95 + 2.00 shipping
Order by phone - 336-349-9232
(9 am - 10 pm Eastern Time only please)

available... While
supplies last...
Historic Chester, PA calendar for 2005!The hanging wall calendar is approximately 11x17 inches...
All New Pictures!!!
Features a full-size picture of some Chester
landmark above each month...
2005 Pictures:
- YMCA - 7th St.
- Parade on Edgmont Ave. (Weinberg's, Murray's, Tolins, McCrory)
- Wolf Building, second home of DCNB
- Chester Rural Cemetery, 1917 - Grave of the unknown victims of the
Eddystone Ammunition Works Explosion
- Interior of St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church (interior & exterior views)
- Temple Baptist Church, formerly St. George Greek Orthodox Church
- Aerial View of Chester c. 1909
- St. James Catholic High School for Boys
- Salvation Army Citadel (W. 5th St.)
- Edgmont Ave., Providence Ave, 12th St. (January 1960)
- Bullock's Pharmacy (May 1964)
- Also a collage of other Chester
landmark buildings on the front cover!
Includes even more historic "trivia" on
many of the days.
9.95 + 2.00 shipping

available... While
supplies last...
Historic Chester, PA calendar for 2003!The hanging wall calendar is approximately 11x17 inches...
All New Pictures!!!
Features a full-size picture of some Chester
landmark above each month...
2003 Pictures:
- Chester Traction Company (Bus Barn)
& Southern Penn Buses
- Chester Rural Cemetery, Soldiers' Circle
- Wetherill School
- B&O Station & Crossing
- Providence Ave. Methodist / Asbury AME Church
- St. Anthony's / White Rock Christian Church
- Trinity Methodist Church
- Lee's Store (later Speare Bros.)
- CHS Vocational Building
- Ethel Waters Park
- St. Hedwig's Church
- Aerial View (pre 1968) of the city with Chester High School in the
- Also a collage of other Chester
landmark buildings on the front cover!
Includes even more historic "trivia" on
many of the days.
9.95 + 2.00 shipping

Chester Landmarks Note Cards
Includes 2 cards (5 ½ x 4
¼" folded) of each of the following Chester Landmarks plus 10
Chester High School
Chester's 1724 Courthouse
Aerial View (1960's)
The Newsstand
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church
8.00 + s&h

High School Note Cards
10 Note cards (5 ½ x 4
¼" folded) & envelopes
8.00 + s&h

1724 Courthouse Note Cards
10 Note cards (5 ½ x 4
¼" folded) & envelopes
8.00 + s&h

Michael's Roman Catholic Church Note Cards
10 Note cards (5 ½ x 4
¼" folded) & envelopes
8.00 + s&h
you're shopping
Just for Fun...
You might have seen something like this elsewhere on the
internet but here's our version written especially for former Chesterites...Close your eyes.....And go back....
Before the Internet or the MAC,
Before semi automatics and crack.
Before chronic and indo
Before Widener University or the I-95
Way back........
I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk in the alley.
Sittin' on the front steps, Hot bread and butter.
Or some other sweet treat from Dalton's Bakery.
The Good Humor man, Red light, Green light.
Chocolate milk, Lunch tickets, Penny candy and horehound drops in a brown paper bag from
the corner drug store.
Playin' Pinball at "MOMS".
Hopscotch, butterscotch, doubledutch Jacks, kickball, dodgeball, y'all!
Mother May I?
Red Rover.
Roller skating at the Great Leopard
Roly Poly Hula Hoops and Sunflower Seeds from McCrory's.
Jolly Ranchers, Banana Splits at the Boyd,
Wax Lips and Mustaches,
Running through the sprinkler
The smell of the sun and salt air "downa shore"!
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons at the Mac
The Three Stooges, Porky and Bugs,
Or back further, listening to Superman on KYW
Catchin' lightening bugs in a jar, Playin' sling shot.
When around the corner seemed far away,
And going downtown on the Southern Penn was really going somewhere.
Bedtime, Climbing trees,
An ice cream cone on a warm summer night
Or a Hot Dog from John's Doggie Shop
Those were our delights!
A lemon coke from the fountain at Bomberger's, Lloyd's
or Bullock's?
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers,
Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians,
Sittin on the curb, Jumpin down the steps, Jumpin on the bed.
Pillow fights Runnin around Crozer or Deshong or Chester
Park till you were out of breath.
Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
Being tired from playin'.... Remember that?
I ain't finished just yet...
Eating Kool-aid powder with sugar from the American Store
Remember when...
When there were two types of sneakers for girls and boys (Keds & PF Flyers) from Kinney
Shoe Store...
and the only time you wore them at school, was for "gym."
When it took five minutes for the TV to warm up, if you even had one.
But if you did, it was worth waiting for Happy the Clown, Chief
Halftown and Howdy Doody!
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there.
When nobody owned a purebred dog.
When a quarter was a decent allowance, and another quarter a miracle.
With that, you could really have a big time downtown on Friday night!
When Miller Flounders' milk went up one cent and everyone talked about it
for weeks?
When you'd reach into a muddy gutter on 7th Street for a penny.
When girls neither dated nor kissed until late high school, if then.
When your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces from Weinberg's.
When Mr. Prosser, Mr. Hartman and all of your male
teachers wore neckties
and Miss Clara Reilley and Clara Nothnagle and all the
female teachers had their hair done, everyday.
When you got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped at McGinley's
Esso, without asking, for free, every time.
And, you didn't pay for air.
And, you got trading stamps or a free insulated colorful plastic cup to boot!
When laundry detergent from the A&P had free glasses, dishes or
towels hidden inside the box.
When any parent could discipline any kid,
or feed him or use him to carry groceries,
and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real
restaurant like Linton's,Shooster's, the Yellow
Bowl or the Green Shutters with your parents.
When they threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed and did!
When being sent to Mr. Agan's office was nothing compared to the fate
that awaited a misbehaving student at home.
Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of drive by shootings,
drugs, gangs, etc.
Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat!
and some of us are still afraid of em!!!
Didn't that feel good.. just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that!
There's nothing like the good old days!
They were good then, and they're good now when we think about them.
Share some of these thoughts with a friend who can relate, then share it with someone that
missed out on them.
Thanks to Paul Crowther for his
creative assistance! |