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Old Chester, PA: Biographical Sketches

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M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  - A -

Karl E Agan


Agan, Karl E.
Chester High School Principal

(A biographical sketch from the annual Thanksgiving Day football game program by Pauline Lerman, CHS '53)
Contributed by Alice Ritter, rettira@aol.com


Aitkin, John

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Alberts, Al (The Four Aces)

(By Al Alberts as told to Bill Kagler, Daily Times Staff Writer, September 1960 )
Contributed by composer George Hoven's daughter

Anderson, Dr. Samuel

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Anderson, William

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Andrews, James

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Andrews, James Charles

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Appleby, Thomas

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Armitage, Doctors Harry M., George L., and Harry V.

(A biographical sketch, "The Armitage Family of Physicians," from The Pennsylvania Medical Journal, courtesy of Dr. & Mrs. M. J. Blocklyn, Swarthmore, PA )

Ayars, Ben Jr.
  - B -

Chester F. Baker


Baker, Chester F.
Surveyor, Municipal Engineer and Historian

(A biographical sketch by Galja Barish Votaw, Chester Times, August 6, 1951)
Contributed by his granddaughter, Jane Unger,

Baker, John Franklin "Frank" & Elizabeth Ann (Clements)

(A biographical sketch contributed by their grandson, Quintin Thompson, Niles, MI)

Baker, John Hinkson

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Baldt, Frederick
Barnes, Thomas N. (Former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force)
Bartish, Michael

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Bartram, George Washington

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Barton, James

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Baxter, Harry Ogden
The only member of the Moyamensing Fire Company killed in the line of duty in World War II.

(A biographical sketch by Lee Bennington, RLBenni@netscape.net)

Bennett, Ruth L.

(Founder of the Ruth L. Bennett Improvement Club.)

Berry, Oakley H.

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Bingler, Helen (Bingo)

(Some biographical information and correspondence contributed by her daughter, Helen M. (Webber) Imburgia, HMWebber@aol.com

Bishop, Randall

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Black, Henry B.
Blakeley, Abraham
Blakeley, William S.

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Blickley, Lawrence (Larry) M.

(An article from the Delaware County Daily Times, June 21, 1973, contributed by his daughter, Lisa Blickley Hallman, lhallman@voicenet.com)


Blow, Beverly York

(A biographical sketch from the dedication page of the Frederick Douglass Jr. High School yearbook, "The Helm", 1966)


Boles, Vincent

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Booth, William

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Bowley, Edward L., Jr.

(An autobiography by Edw. Bowley)

Boyle, John "Snakes"

(A biographical sketch contributed by his granddaughter, Patty Boyle, bish99@earthlink.net  )

Boyle, Joseph C.

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Brazer, Clarence W.

(A biographical sketch from The Delaware County Advocate, June 1942 )
Contributed by Harvey S. Martin


Brinkley, Emma B.




Broomall, George

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Broomall, John Martin

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

John Martin Broomall, Jr.

Broomall, John Martin Jr.

Contributed by his great granddaughter, Anne Broomall Wiegle, awiegle@fast.net



Judge John Martin Broomall, 3d

Broomall, Judge John Martin, 3d

(A biographical sketch from "Who's Who in Delaware County 1926", a publication of the Chester Times. )


Broomall, William Booth

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Brown, Dr. Ellen E.

(A biographical sketch from The Delaware County Advocate, August 1940)


Bullock, Jr., John A.
Bunting, George Miller

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Burke, Miss Mary E
Chester teacher who retired after 51 years of service.

"She first taught at the old Franklin school, but later was a teacher at the Gartside, Chester High School and was at the Starr school before her removal to the Graham school. She at one time was principal of the Franklin School."

Contributed by Terry McHugh, tomch58@yahoo.com

Miss Burke is believed to be the great great great aunt of Terry's husband, Craig McHugh

Bobby Burman


Burman, Bobby
Pro Fighter & Legendary Chester news dealer

Bobby's grandson, Dave Burman, Chesterclippers@aol.com, has shared this biography written by Matt Zabitka from the January 25, 1957 edition of the Chester Times.


Burman, Dave

Sportscaster and grandson of Bobby Burman

  - C -
Carroll, Joe

(A biographical sketch by his daughter, Kim J. Carroll )

Cartain, Edward Joseph

(A biographical sketch contributed by CWJWWW@aol.com)

Casciato, Camillo "Kelly" A.

(A biographical sketch contributed by his son, Tony Casciato, tony.four@verizon.net)

Cello, Harry J. 

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Chadwick, E. Wallace (Judge)

Thanks to Harvey Martin, hsmartin@snip.net, for sharing this biography from A History of Rose Valley - Published by Borough of Rose Valley - Copyright 1973) FRANK GINSBURG

Chadwick, Louisa J. (nee: Gardner)

(A Chester Times article written on the occasion of Mrs. Chadwick's 100th Birthday. Contributed by Louise Reynolds)

Chadwick, Hon. Robert

(Biographical sketches from the Chester Times, Tuesday April 22, 1902
Contributed by Louise Reynolds)

Chadwick, Walter "Pete"

Easter egg decorator at Deakyne Bros. candy
Chester Times March 15, 1949 article courtesy of Peggy Mealy, peggy@mealy.com 

Cloud, Orlando H.

(A report on the couple's Golden Wedding Celebration from The Delaware County Advocate, July 1940 )

Connors, William R.

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Constantine, Julius

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Covert, Nathaniel L.

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Cowgill, John Jr.

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Cowgill, Joshua C.

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Cresta, Anthony V.

(A biographical sketch from a Chester Times or Delaware County Daily Times newspaper clipping, "Know Your Police" from the collection of John C. "Snakes" Boyle, contributed by his granddaughters, Jane Boyle & Patty Boyle.)

Crosby, Peirce

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Crosby, Robert Peirce

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Crozer, George Knowles

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Crozer, J. Lewis

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Crozer, John Price

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

John Price Crozer

Crozer, John Price (2nd)

(A biographical sketch from "Who's Who in Delaware County 1926", a publication of the Chester Times. )


Crozer, Samuel Aldrich

A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914


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If you have any information and or pictures that you would like to contribute about individuals in Chester, please forward it to john@oldchesterpa.com

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This page last updated 03/16/07