Mr. & Mrs. Orlando
H. Cloud
July 1940
Photograph from The Delaware County Advocate
courtesy of Harvey S. Martin
H. Cloud
(A report on the couple's Golden Wedding Celebration from The
Delaware County Advocate, July 1940)GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION
Brings Glad Surprises To Chester Couple
Always an occasion for JOYous celebration is a golden wedding anniversary. On June 10, that day came to Mr. and Mrs. Orlando H. Cloud of 704 Madison Street, Chester. Sixty relatives plus many friends called informally during the afternoon to pay their respects. This was as much a surprise to the couple as was the dinner given them by their son and daughter at the Ingleneuk, Swarthmore. Then, as has been the Clouds' custom for fifty years, they spent the week-end at Ocean Grove, N. J. Mr.
Cloud was formerly in the shoe business in Chester, where he succeeded his
father. Today he is president of the Excelsior Saving Fund, treasurer of
Chester Rural Cemetery and secretary-treasurer of the Chester Industrial Loan Co.
From The Delaware County Advocate - July 1940
Editor's note: Mr. Cloud was also
a member of Madison St. Methodist Church
[Obituary] |