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From the December
Delaware County Advocate LOCALE for the Pre-Christmas dinner was one of those famous Bowls - The Yellow Bowl, at 606 Sproul Street in Chester. The cooks took in our fresh-killed turkey and raw vegetables and In practically no time served a feast. PRESENTING- An All-Delaware County Dinner Now that the seas are treacherous, and railroads and highways used increasingly for defense needs, we'll have to begin looking in our own back yards for life's necessities. But just to prove that it wouldn't be a starvation diet, the Advocate set out to prepare a full course dinner from products native to Delaware County. It turned into a feast - a banquet and to be quite sure it was appreciated we invited a dozen boys with large appetites from the Chester Boys' Club to eat and set their stamp of approval on our All-Delaware County Dinner. Farmers and wholesalers throughout the county were most cooperative in donating samples of their specialty and telling us with pride how they do it. The Yellow Bowl restaurant in Chester cooked and served the dinner, eager to do its part in boosting Delaware County as an industrious, prosperous and comfortable place to live. Crimson Cocktail Holland Turkey Off the Map Messrs F. A. Hallman and G. F. White raise about 3500 turkeys annually, including Broadbreasted Bronze and White Holland varieties that you see in wire-floored sun porches built on the front of their houses. Pedigreed turkeys are always kept off the ground, except that the breeding flock is sometimes allowed to strut about and scold the visitors as you see them voicing their indignation at the presence of our photographer. Messrs Hallman and White hatch and raise all their own turkeys for poultry dealers principally, although one can be bought at the farm. The Thanksgiving and Christmas demand runs about even. Just now they say they have "only 700" on hand, which still seems to us a lot of turkey. Between this turkey's departure from its native heath and its appearance on the table at the Yellow Bowl it was deftly dispatched, dressed and drawn by Mrs. Esther Kerr down on "Commission Row" not far from where William Penn may have seen his first wild turkey. Ground-Hog Day at Heyburns Mr. Heyburn's brother Senator Weldon Heyburn, beginning to be mentioned as gubernatorial timber, lends an expert hand when not busy at lawmaking in Harrisburg, as does A. Darlington Heyburn. The world knows of Philadelphia scrapple but Delaware County is also a sausage and scrapple making section. About the time Jack Frost first sneaks up on the pumpkin local pork-packers begin to make sausage and scrapple. Demand continues until about the time the wrens arrive in early May. War conditions have influenced the costs of manufacture. The best sage, one of the principal seasoning ingredients of sausage, comes from Dalmatia on the Adriatic Sea. It used to cost about 20 cents a pound. Now it sells for two dollars a pound, when available at all. The combined output of the half dozen manufacturers of pork products in Chester, Media, Middletown and Concord at the height of the season amounts to 15 ton of scrapple and 10 tons of sausage per week. Now we know where the Three Little Pigs finally wound up. For twenty-five years Shisler Brothers have sent the output of their large truck farm to the metropolitan quality market. They are wholesalers only but were glad to add another evidence of what Delaware County can do to make up a dinner. Drinks by a County Dairy Above) Shisler's huge celery fields at Glenolden yield their crisp harvest in the frosty months, between October 15 and February 15. Connoisseurs say this local delicacy has unusual sweetness and flavor. Idaho Spuds From Concord
The many brown jugs full of sweet cider you see at the roadside stands dotting Delaware County come from local cider mills. We stopped at Elam just in time to see W. Lehman Forwood who runs the mill turning his neighbors' apples into cider quicker than a flash. Mr. Forwood described the process as he worked. The apples are fed through a hopper into the press, the crushed apples resembling a gigantic order of sandwich spread. But there was no mistaking the fragrant- aroma of Stayman Winesaps - from Delaware County. A cider press, if you have never seen one, doesn't look unlike the printing presses of Ben Franklin's day. The cider comes through a hose after straining through cloth, to fill the gallon jugs, or the large storage tank at the mill. Around Halloween time cider sales mount to 2500 gallons a day. This tapers off gradually to about 1000 a day through Thanksgiving and Christmas, until a dearth of apples and warmer weather call a halt, come spring. Eggs Mark the Spot Thus far he has not had to resort to music which has been tried elsewhere. If he does we can't help Mr. Shaw's output is carefully candled and goes to the retail trade principally in Chester, Lansdowne and Springfield. Some prefer white eggs. Others specify brown. Mr. Shaw Jr. says one is as good as the other, though a white egg looks prettier in a bowl at the soda fountain. (Right) you see Mr. Shaw's son Herbert packing the eggs which were used in the dessert at the Delaware County Dinner.
The farmers of Delaware County know how to grow good apples. With the cooperation of the Agricultural Extension Bureau they have learned that pruning and spraying (above) help to produce mighty nigh perfect apples. This year's crop was especially free from diseases that attack the fruit. So have an apple - do! For Christmas Spirit Motorists on Baltimore Pike a few weeks ago noticed the gorgeous display of chrysanthemums, and hundreds stopped to admire them. All year long there is some kind of plant at Styer's which makes a marvelously colorful show. We'll take you there when the flowers bloom outdoors again, for it's worth a visit. A LUCKY DOZEN, ready to fall to in the Yellow Bowl. In the group are Vincent Bonaquisto, Paul DeMeo, Howard Anderson, Bill Swanson, Fudy Peticca, Bill McGinnis, Albert Perrari, James Perrari, Ralph Bush, Albert Thomas, Albert Zaffiri, Frank Ferriola and their leader Mr. John J. Vaul.
If you have any information and or pictures that you would like to contribute about any businesses in Chester, please forward it to john@oldchesterpa.com
This page last updated 03/05/06
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