links: St. James High
James Class Reunions Page
Churches: Roman
Reverend Eugene W. Carlen, S.M.,
Ph.D (1958) |
FACULTY (1940 - 1950) - 1
Reverend Adolph J. Baum - Rector
Rev. Peter J. Vandergeest, A.B. (1940- ) Prefect of Studies, Problems of Democracy
Rev. Michael F. Bednor, A.B. (1941-) Mathematics
Rev. Paul J. Corey, A.B. (1947 - ) English
Rev. Harry B. Degnan, A.B. (1948-) - Mathematics
Rev. Aloysius J. Donadieu, M.A. (1940-) Biology
♥ Rev. John J. Dunion, A.B. (1940 - ) Chemistry
♥ Rev. Francis M. Egon, A.B. (1946 - ) English
Rev. Louis A. Eltz, J.C.D. (1942 - ) Mathematics
Rev. George J. Friel, A.B. (1942 - ) Mathematics
Rev. Edward T. Hughes, A.B. (1947- ) World History
Rev. Thomas A. Kane, J.C.D. (1949 - ) Civics
Rev. E. Ward Knebels, A. B. (1940 - ) U.S. History
Rev. Thomas F. Loughrey, A.B. (1946 - ) English
Rev. Paul J. Miklosovic, J.C.D. Religion
Rev. Charles J. Monoghan, A.B. (1941 - ) Latin, Biology
♥ Rev. John J. O'Connor, A.B. (1946 -) Guidance
♥ Rev. Francis P. O'Reilly, M.A. (1940 - ) Prefect of Discipline, Spanish
Rev. Edmund J. Rafferty, A.B. (1940-) French
Rev. Robert F. Ryan, A. B. (1947 -), English
Rev George . Schneider, A.B. (1947-), Physics
Rev. Vincent F. Schneider, A.B., B.L.S., A.B. (1940 - ) Librarian, English
Rev. Vincent M. Smith, J.C.D. 91946-) Religion
Rev. Andrew L. Slafkosky, J.c.D. (1949- ) Latin
Rev. Joseph A. St. Clair, A.B. (1940-) Mechanical Drawing, Religion
Rev. John H. Walsh, A.B. (1941 - ) Religion
Rev. Edmund C. Wesolowski, A.B. (1948 -) Mathematics, chemistry
♥ Mr. Francis J. Brennan, A.B. (1940 -) Art
Mr. John T. Ramsay,A.B. (1949 - ), Physical Education, Health
Mr. Adalbert G. Piscotty, M.S. (1948 - ) Music
♥ Mr. Dominic Montero, A.B. (1946-1949) - Coach
Rev. John J. Dougherty, J.C.D (1945-1949)
Rev. Bartholemew F. Fair, J.C.D. (1944-1946)
Rev. Joseph M. Gleason, M.A. (1940- 1947)
Rev. Martin J. Lohmuller, J.C.D. (1944-1948)
Rev. Gerald V. McDevitt, J.C.D. (1944-1947)
Rev. Michael J. Marley, A.B. (1941-1945)
Rev. Hugh J. Nolan, Ph.D. (1944-1946)
♥ = Deceased
Staff, 1958
1954 Varsity
Championship Football Team & Coaches
(Photos courtesy of Vince Casciato)
Baseball Team
Catholic League High School Championship Baseball Game
(Photo courtesy of Joe Smagala)
St. James "Bulldogs" Team photo (23-3-1) (Photo courtesy
of Jose Smagala)
1940 |
1960 |
1980 |
1941 |
1961 |
1981 |
1942 |
1962 |
1982 |
1943 |
1963 |
1983 |
1944 |
1964 |
1984 |
1945 |
1965 |
1985 |
1946 |
1966 |
1986 |
1947 |
1967 |
1987 |
1948 |
1968 |
1988 |
1949 |
1969 |
1989 |
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1950 |
1970 |
1990 |
1951 |
1971 |
1991 |
1952 |
1972 |
1992 |
1953 |
1973 |
1993 |
1954 |
1974 |
1955 |
1975 |
1956 |
1976 |
1957 |
1977 |
1958 |
1978 |
1959 |
1979 |
For more about the history of St.
James High School, click
here to visit the St. James Alumni Association website.
School Seal:
The spirit of St. James is depicted on the seal by the burning lamp, the symbol of faith and prayer.
The City of Chester is represented by the ship - Ship building is
Chester's important industry.
The symbols of the Apostalate of St. James the Great, the patron saint of the school, are the sword of martyrdom, the pilgrims staff and the drinking shell. These figures form a cross supported by the open book, the symbol of knowledge. Overshadowing this cross are the wings of a dove, emblematic of the Holy Spirit, the inspiration of St. James students.
The spirit and loyalty of St. James High School,
"Quae Sursum Quaerite" -"Seek the things that are above"--are embodied in the seal as the motto.
School Flag:
The school flag carries through the ideas of the ring and seal. It consists of the seal placed on a blue background
School Ring:
The stone is blue, (part of St. James Colors)
Things found on the school seal are represented on the ring.
It is a perspective of the school building
School Newspaper: The BARK
1941 - 1942 --Editor: Joseph Mack
1942 - 1943 --Editor: Martin Fagan
1943 - 1944 -- Editor: Robert O'Neill
1944 - 1945 -- Editor: John H. Clark
1945 - 1946 -- Editor: Paul A. Snabley
1947 - 1948 -- Co-Editors: Walt Micka & Joseph Brennan
1948 - 1949 -- Co- Editors: Robert Smith & Joseph Squire
1949 - 1950 -- Editor: Joseph Mullen
James High School c. 1950
Training Car
time gang
Staff, 1958