links: Chester
High School
High School Class Reunions
following list of Media High School graduates, faculty and staff, is from the
1949 Media High School Annual. Many
thanks to Harvey Martin,
Parkside, PA, for spending the time to key in the lists and share them with us!
The Class of 1949
Alexander, M. Christine
Anderson, Helen
Anderson, Kathryn H.
Ashbee, Florence
Baker Jr., Gleave L.
Baldwin, George
Barrall, Richard
Bateman, Rachel
Batipps, Donald H.
Beam, Rev. Arthur
Beam, Clara
Beam, John Philip
Blackburne, Barry B.
Brangan, Joan
Brown, Jean
Burgin, Alberta
Burnett, Jean
Cashwell, David C.
Clark, R. Byron
Croall, Mary D.
D'Alterio, Jean
Davis, Joseph
Demos, Noel M.
Dotts, Mary Ann
Echternach, John L.
Edwards, Margaret
Evans, B. Jane
Evans Jr., Leon E.
Evans, Richard
Evans, William P.
Ewing, Jesse
Fennimore, Joan
Filippi, Bertram
Ford, James E.
Ford, Kenneth
Foreman, Margaret F.
Ganci, Wanda
Gilger, Alice
Ginn, Mildred
Glackin, Donald L.
Goeller, Patricia Clara
Gootee, Myrtle
Grencik, John A.
Griffith, Frank E.
Guyton, Louise
Hamilton, Betty
Harer, Barbara
Harrar, George
Harris, James L.
Hartman, William G.
Heiberger, Marcia
Highfield, Patricia
Holloway, William, Jr
Hoopes, James F.
Imperatrice, Alma
Kaufman Jr., William F.
Knopf, Aaron
Kriebel, Thomas E.
Kumpf, Nancy A.
Lamey, Charles
Lampert, Janet R.
Lank, Richard
Letherbury, George F.
Limburg Jr., Charles
Lintzmeyer, Edith A.
Love, Frank A.
Martin, Harvey
Mellor, Marjorie
Miller, Shirley
Morris, Thomas
Mullen, Donald R.
Neal, Richard
Novosel, Betty B.
Oliver, Robert H.
Patchel, Jean
Patterson, Barbara
Paxson, George C.
Pearson, Joseph C.
Pearson, May M.
Porter, Vivian
Price, Calvin 0
Raemont, James J.
Ramsay, J. Franklin
Read, Doris
Reagan, Thelma
Rhoades, Arlene S.
Rhodes, Richard G.
Richards, Joan
Ridgway, Henry W.
Rigby III, Edward, H.
Riggins, Ruth L.
Rodriguez, Janice
Roenne, Richard E.
Roes, Donald J.
Russell, Helen C.
Scull, Charles, Jr.
Sharp Jr., Ralph (Larry)
Shaw, Alan W.
Shaw, Luise
Shockley, June
Shropshire, Vaughn H.
Sill, E. Adele
Smedley, Harry I.
Southby, Florence
Spahr, Helen
Stinson, Louise
Stirl, Juliana
Taylor, Frances
Tiefel, John, Jr.
Tunia Jr., Reginald W.
Van Zant, Rodman
Vivian, Mary L.
Wagner, Joan D.
Wanner, Raymond S.
Weaver, Marilyn
Welchel, Robert C.
Wible, Edith
Williams, Andrew
Williams, Susie
Wilson, Constance
Wilson, Dolores
Wilson, Margaret A.
Wood, Frank
Young, Anita
Zickel, Elinor
John K. Barrall
Miss Negdar N. Aijian - Commercial
Mr. Gus Anderson - Dean of Boys - Driver Education
Miss Eleanor A. Bareiss - Art
Mr. Bruce H. Beeler - Spanish
Mr. Walter P. Bodine - Science
Miss Frieda N. Bornemann - Home Economics
Mr. Dallas E Brubaker - Mathematics
Miss Sara Lee Buck - French - English
Mr. John W. Charles - Math - Instrumental Music
Miss Miriam E. Craig - Director of Tests - Latin
Mr. Gordon R. Davis - English
Miss Bertha Dennis - English
Miss Elizabeth M. Denlinger - Home Economics
Mrs. Marion E. Dervinis - Librarian
Mr. Paul R. Detwiler - Social Studies
Mr. Edward Donahue - Industrial Arts
Miss Mildred Etter - English
Mr. James W. Gabriel - Physical Education - Health
Mr. Leon M. Gilbert - English - Social Studies
Mrs. Sarah Glaum - Home Economics
Mr. Warren F. Guss - Industrial Arts
Mr. Charles B. Haentze - Science
Miss Elizabeth Hall - English
Mrs. Laura M. Hoopes - Guidance
Mrs. Doris S. Jefferis - Acting Dean of Girls - Guidance
Miss Sarah E. Kimble - Commercial
Mrs. Melba D. Kramme - English
Miss Ellen W. Krauss - Art
Miss Jeanne Loomis - Physical Education
Mr. Howard S. Macleary - Social Studies
Mr. George Noble McCrea - Social Studies
Mr. J. Wilbur McGaughey - Science - Mathematics
Mr. Ross M. McMurray - Social Studies
Dr. Josephine W. McNabb - Science
Mr. Donald F. Melcher - Social Studies
Mrs. Jeanne L. Miller - Phsical Education - Health
Miss Gay Nelson - History
Miss Grace Porter - Music
Mr. William T. Prescott, Jr. - English
Mrs. Ada D. St. John - Commercial
Mr. C. Harold Snavely - Mathematics
Mr. Donald C. Swavely - Mathematics
Mis Elizabeth A. Taylor - English
Mrs. Joan V. Taylor - Science
Mrs. Ruth P. Van Horn - Commercial
Mr. Harold G. Ware - Social Studies
Office Staff
Jane Doherty
Dorothy Farley
Elizabeth Gibson
Marion Safkevich
Jane Short
Florence Smith
Dr. S. Allen Dingee
Laura Hoopes
Dental Health
Dr. Joseph Tuckerman
Anne Burkhardt
Cafeteria Staff
Ada B. Shaw - Manager
Maude Ortiga
Amelia E. Stokes
David L. Higgins - Superintendent of Buildings
Earl Reid
William Paul Buggs
Gerrit Mullen