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Old Chester, in Delaware County, PA
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Chester High School, erected 1901

Chester High School

Class of 1912


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Chester Schools

Chester High School

Chester High Reunions

The following list of Chester High School graduates is from the Manual of the Public Schools of the City of Chester, PA, available at the Delaware County Historical Society Research Library.
Last Name First Name Middle Name Deceased Married Name Course Notes/Additional Info
Ayer Eleanor Eliza g
Bartleson Thomas Lees g
Beatty Robert Walter g
Blizzard, Jr. Harry Birtten g
Bradley Hugh Joseph g
Briggs, Jr. Thomas Lacy g
Brown Catharine Marie Jerome g
Buckley Elizabeth Helena g
Buckley Julia Marie g
Crowther Margaret Welsh g
Deakyne Bertha Booth g
France Abbott Wesley g
Goff Anna Margaret g
Hamilton Itasca g
Harley Marion Miles g
Jefferis Rachel Griffiths g
Johnson Gladys Mary g
Jones Elizabeth Jane g
Kitts John Wallace g
Luttrell James Victor g
McAnall Pearl Dahms g
McLaughlin Mary Frances Agnes g
Nelson Margaretta Allen g
Paxson Frank Greenlee g
Reagan Mary Everhart g 1942: Superintendent of Nurses, Chester Hospital
Reinhold Marie Louise g
Remington Joseph Miller g
Rose Sarah Rutter g
Rowland Charles Andrew g
Smedley Daisy May g
Spencer Ruth g
Thorpe Florence Garland g
Ulrich Eliza Katherine g
Walker Katherine g
Wolfe Catherine Fair g
Burton Arthur Hawkins sc
Cochran Archibald Robb sc
Creamer Albert Earle sc
Dalton Allan Beetam sc
Ludwig May Maude sc
Perry Horace Mitchell sc
Volkhardt Walter sc
Welsh Mary Gertrude Duane sc
Fulton Amy Day n
Jones Ariatia Louisa n
Lawrence Arita Sterling n
Gallagher Sarah Anna n
Lodge Catherine Beatrice n
Brazell Mary Elizabeth co
Fisher William Leonard co
Mergy Georgette Allen co
Roan Mabel Annetta co
Rosenblatt Agnes co
Smith James Alfred co
Ayer Marian Lucretia s
Banks Lovina Louisa s
Barsby Emma Jean s
Billstein Walter George s
Clayton Clarence Gilbert s
Crowther Marian Wetherill s
Cullis Hannah Farrady s
Dunlap Elizabeth Valentine s
Hall Norman Ellsworth s
Hammond Benjamin Pretty s
Hannum James Ardis s
Leonard Florence Rebecca s
McDowell Garetta May s
Miller William Quay s
Mills Helen Clayton s
Mullen Mary Josephine s
Northam Charles Byrd s
O'Donnell Sarah Agnes s
Silk Mamie Walls s
Sill Anna Louise s
Tinney Louisa s
Welsh John Holcroft s
Wolson Julius s



a = "Academic"
b = "Bookkeeping Course" (certificate)
c = "Classical"
co = "Commercial Department - Complete Course" (Diplomas)
g = "General Course"
n = "Normal Course"
s = "Stenography Course" (certificate)
sc = "Scientific Course"



If you have any information and or pictures that you would like to contribute about Chester, please forward it to john@oldchesterpa.com

© 2002 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 10/18/05