World War I
Roster of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Nurses
of Chester and vicinity who served in the Great War.
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On June 20-21, 1919 a Citizens' Reception was held in Chester to "honor the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Nurses of Chester, PA and vicinity on their return from the World War 1914-1919."
The following lists of names are taken from the program book for the reception:
- B - C - D
- E - F - G - H - I
- J - K - L - M - Mc
N - O - P - Q - R
- S - T - U
- V - W - Y - Z
Nurses - Red Cross Canteen (Overseas)
Note (quoted from the original program book): Despite all efforts to secure a complete list of those in the several branches of the United States service, this roster is not complete.
- H -
Hadjopulos, Jas. Nick
Hagan, Roy W.
Haggertu, Vincent DeP.
Haines, Warren
Hall, Edward
Haller, Jos. A.
Hamilton, Albert
Hamilton, Jas. Wayne
Haley, Michael
Hamilton, Geo.
Hamilton, Jas. Wayne
Hamilton, Robt. E.
Hamlin, Vincent B.
Hammond, Jeremiah
Hammond, Saunders
Hammond, Stephen H.
Hance, Harvey Leroy
Hannigan, Francis Lester
Hannum, Howard E.
Haney, Earl W.
Hanby, Evans F.
Hanby, Geo.
Handy, Wm.
Hanling, Arthur R.
Hanna, Howard A.
Hanna, Samuel V.
Hannan, Michael
Hannum, Jas. Ardis
Hansell, Thos.
Hansley, Chas. Soloman
Harden, Chas.
Harden, Wesley
Harden, S. J.
Hareho, Jos.
Harkins, Fred H. E.
Harkins, Wm.
Harnyak, John
Hartley, Walter
Harrigan, John
Harrigan, Wm.
Harris, Hazzard
Harris, Herman
Harris, Wm.
Harris, Andrew
Harris, Claude Elmer
Harris, Joseph L.
Harris, Willard
Harrison, Beverly
Hart, Harry
Hart, Robt. L.
Harvey, Frank
Hassan, Chas. A.
Hatton, Clarence I.
Hauck, Chester Geo.
Havens, Walter Wilson
Hawley, Chas.
Hayes, Jas. Jos.
Hayes, Wm.
Hayes, Wm. A.
Haynel, Wm. O.
Hays, Jas. Albert
Heacock, John Gelston
Heacock, Wm. H.
Heany, Earl W.
Heaps, Chester
Heffron, Warren F.
Helliwell, Wm. E.
Helms, Geo. M., Jr.
Helms, Jos.
Helms, Richard
Hemerly, Clarence H.
Hendrickson, Henry
Henry, Arthur J.
Henry, Geo.
Henry, Jos.
Henry, Milford
Herbert, Ross K.
Herowicez, Harry
Hershey, Moses
Henson, Geo. Russell
Hewes, Earle F.
Hewes, Walter E.
Hewitt, Amos J.
Hewitt, Geo.
Hewitt, Geo. W.
Hewitt, Grey C.
Hewitt, Jos.
Hibbert, Jos.
Hicks, Jas. E.
Hicks, Jesse
Hickey, John J.
Higgins, Alfred J.
Higgins, Jefferis
Higgins, Jos. Francis
Higgins, Thos. H.
Hights, Wade
Hild, Archibald
Hill, Julian
Hill, Thos. A.
Hill, Wm. W.
Hilton, Alfred
Hilton, Tyler C.
Himsworth, John
Hines, John Chester
Hines, Taylor
Hinkle, Ernest V.
Hinkson, Jas. F., Jr.
Hiorth, Conrad
Hiorth, E. Harvey
Hoffecker, Albert
Hoffman, Albert R.
Hoffman, Jacob F.
Hoffman, Norman E.
Holden, Jas. Minshall
Holgate, Jos. E.
Holladay, Harry
Holland, F. Jos.
Holland, Percy
Hollingsworth, Walter
Holt, Carl
Holt, Richard H.
Hope, Clarence C.
Hopkins, Nelson L.
Hopkins, Samuel F.
Hornady, Jesse, Jr.
Horsey, Chas.
Houghton, Jas. A.
Houlihan, Jas. J.
Howard, Eric
Howard, Leslie L.
Howard, Randolph
Howarth, James
Howes, John Ambrose
Howes, Jos. Payne
Howland, Jas. A.
Hughes, John J.
Humphreys, Edgar
Hurdle, Bonard
Hubbard, Soloman
Hubbell, Philip N.
Hubbell, Samuel J.
Hueston, Walter W.
Huestis, Wayne H.
Huey, Jas. Evans
Hufnal, Jos. M.
Huggins, D. C.
Hughes, Albert B., Jr.
Hughes, Geo. J.
Hughes, Gilbert
Hughes, Herman
Hughes, Jas. A.
Hughes, Jas. T.
Hughes, Ralph
Hulton, Thos.
Hultzapple, Earl
Hunt, Chas.
Hurd, Fritz Draper
Hurst, Fred A.
Hutchinson, Parker
Hutt, Arlo A.
Hutton, [first name is left blank on original program]
Hyluszyk, Warko
- I -
Iacono, Amello F.
Ickes, Henry A.
Ignaty, Pidrack
Ilg, Wilfred
Ingham, Lewis E.
Inman, Chas. W.
Innis, James
Ippolite, Frank
Ireland, Geo.
Irving, Edward B.
Irwin, C. C.
Ivers, Patrick F.
Ivers, Michael
Ivory, Norman
- J -
Jack, Arthur C.
Jackson, Austin
Jackson, Clarence
Jackson, Dency
Jackson, Edw.
Jackson, Henry
Jackson, H. H.
Jackson, Jas. Benj.
Jackson, John
Jackson, Jos.
Jackson, Oscar
Jackson, Paxton
Jackson, Wm.
Jackson, Wm. H.
Jackson, Willis
James, Harry F.
Jankowski, Stafen
Jaquette, Carl
Jardine, Earl G.
Jardine, Philip
Jastrzemski, Dominick
Jefferis, Jas. A.
Jefferis, Willieforde Wallace
Jenkins, Wm. T.
Jennings, Addie
Jester, John R.
Jiannini, Antony
Johnson, Jas. S.
Johnson, Oly A.
Johnson, Samuel J.
Johnson, Vincent R.
Jones, Jas. B.
Jones, L. F., Jr.
Jonocopolos, Torrates
Johns, Samuel Albert
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, Chas.
Johnson, Clarence
Johnson, Clifford
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, Francis
Johnson, Frederick
Johnson, Howard
Johnson, Jas. H.
Johnson, John
Johnson, Moses
Johnson, Robt.
Johnson, Rudolph
Johnson, Warner
Johnson, Wesley
Johnson, Wm.
Johnston, A. S.
Jones, Chas. C.
Jones, Mitchell R. H.
Jones, Norman
Jones, Steven
Jones, Walter
Jones, Wm. H.
Jones, Zara W.
Jonto, Angelo
Jopp, Samuel Irvin
Joseph, Chas. R.
Joseph, E. Paul
Journey, Robert J.
Joy, John J.
- K -
Kaellis, Alexander
Kalinoski, Wm.
Kaller, Jos.
Kelly, Harry A.
Kamin, Abe
Kaufman, Harry A.
Keyser, Wm.
Kazlawski, Anthony
Kealey, John H.
Kealley, Edw.
Kealley, Jack
Kearne, James V.
Keeley, Harry J.
Keeley, Jas. F.
Keeley, Jos.
Keenan, Harry H.
Keenan, John
Keener, Wm.
Keers, Jos. Valentine
Keers, Wm. H.
Keesey, Morton H.
Keesey, Wm. V.
Keeth, Louis
Keevs, W. Harold
Kegal, Frederick W.
Keilholtz, Frederick
Kelly, Fred
Kelso, Arthur
Kemmerle, Ernest
Kemmerle, J. Ross
Kennard, Clarence
Kennedy, Jas.
Kennedy, J. Andrew
Kennedy, Wm.
Kenyon, John T.
Kenyon, Samuel
Kern, Elwood J.
Kershaw, Clarence
Kershaw, Frank
Keseveces, August
Keys, Harry
Kibler, Francis Anthony
Kibler, F. A.
Kidd, John Edward
Kienzle, Frank
Kilduffe, Robt. A.
Killoran, Jas. S.
Killoran, John
Kilmore, Robt. E.
Kilpatrick, Earl
Kilpatrick, Nelson
Kilson, Raymond A.
Kimber, Andrew
Kimber, Wm. C. J.
King, Chester R.
King, Jas. B.
King, Langston
King, John J.
Kinslow, Chas.
Kiriluk, John
Kirk, Geo. E.
Kirkman, Edw. R.
Kirkman, Geo. B., Jr.
Kirkman, John Edward
Kirkman, Robt. T. B.
Kirtz, Elmer
Kissinger, Eugene A., Jr.
Kitchen, Wm. L.
Kitts, Edw. B.
Kitish, Jos. B.
Klein, Geo.
Klenchuk, Dmitri
Klimko, Andrew J.
Klucker, Howard E.
Klum, Geo.
Knarr, William
Knight, Wm., Jr.
Knox, Robt.
Koplin, Maxwell
Kochan, Peter S.
Koechurt, Ernest H.
Koleta, John
Kolosiko, Frank
Konigen, John
Kress, Peter
Kret, Max
Krotee, Leo A.
Koury, Jos. A.
Krow, Willis
Kuntz, Albert
Kurash, Stephen
- L -
Lakey, Thos.
Lainhauser, Chas. F.
Lamach, Geo. Walter
Lamach, Walter
LaManna, John
Lambert, A.
Lamey, Jesse E.
Lamphey, Stephen
Lancarick, Andro
Lanken, Reuben
Lansen, Wm. J.
Larisseos, Chariloas
Larkin, Wm. C.
LaRock, Lester
Latini, Frank
Lathbury, Geo. H.
Laudio, Jas.
Laughead, Jas. K.
Laughead, John N.
Laurello, Phillippo
Lauriellos, Sabatino
Lauser, Wm.
Laventure, Alonzo
Laviola, Seraphina
Lawles, Chas.
Lawless, Matthew
Lawrence, Emory E.
Laws, Jacob
Lazaruk, Harry
Lazor, Peter
Leach, Albert H.
Leach, Rufus E.
Leake, Geo. R.
Leary, Harry
Leary, John J.
Leary, Michael (I? / J?)
Leary, Wm.
Lee, Byran
Lee, John N.
Leetch, Geo. A.
Leflar, LeRoy Edison
Leister, Walter
Lemin, Leo F.
Lemin, Richard P.
Lentz, Chas.
Leonard, Wm. F.
Lerch, Byron B.
Levy, Bennett
Levy, Isaac
Lewandowski, Frank
Lewandowsky, Stephen
Lewis, Calvin C.
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Lee A.
Lewis, Wm. G.
Lewoi, Paul
Liberatore, Gabreili
Lichtenhahn, LeRoy
Likens, Geo. S.
Likens, John
Lilley, Geo. H., Jr.
Lilley, Jas.
Lilley, John
Lilley, Jos. P.
Lilley, Leonard B.
Lingle, John C.
Lingle, J. E.
Linski, Yocum
Lippioloilis, Jack
Littleton, John F.
Lively, Leonard
Lively, Leward
Livesey, Thos.
Lloyd, Wilson
Locke, Max
Locke, Milburn
Locke, Spencer
Lofland, Howard F.
Logan, Robt. C.
Lohrman, Jos. A.
Long, Albert
Long, Wm. B.
Longbotham, John
Longbotham, John Chas.
Longo, Jos.
Lops, Anol
Lopuszynski, Stefan
Loughead, Howard
Loughery, Jas. W.
Loughran, Michael P.
Louinis, Steve
Louth, Geo.
Loveland, Alonzo
Loveland, Wm.
Lowry, Wm.
Lowry, Chas. T.
Lowry, David
Lowry, Lewis E.
Lowther, Allen T.
Luciano, Angelini
Lucicino, Rcudith
Luckie, Edw. B.
Luckie, Jas. Barton
Luckie, Leslie G.
Luigi, Pompilli
Lund, L. Edwin
Lurran, Chas.
Luther, Allen
Lykens, Albert
Lynch, Edmund W.
Lynch, Geo. Wm.
Lynch, John Frank
Lynch, Martin
Lythe, Gilbert
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© 2000, 2002 John A. Bullock III.
This page last updated 10/18/05