John Hill Martin, Esq.
Chester (and its Vicinity),
Delaware County in Penna.
with Genealogical Sketches of some old families
Originally Published 1877
Fully indexed by
John A. Bullock III.
To search the Index,
use "Find" in your browser's
"Edit" menu to search the complete index below.
Numbers following the entries are the page numbers and will give you
an indication of the
number of times each entry is found in the book.
- Y -
Yarnall, Albin 467
Yarnall, Gasoway O. 454, 481
Yarnall, Isaac 315
Yarnall, Jane 315
Yarnall, John 186
Yarnall, John P. 467
Yarnall, Mary 315
Yarnall, Norris L. 456, 463, 464
Yarnall, Phillip 67
Yarnall, Priscilla E. 316
Yarnall, Rachel 315
Yarnall, Walker 467
Yarnall, William 465
Yarnall, William P. 467
Yates, Enos 464
Yates, Jacob B. 471
Yates, Jasper 85, 132, 380
Yearsley, Humphrey 426
Yearsley, John 186
Yeates, Jasper 11, 22, 39, 67, 68, 102, 103, 128, 133, 135, 136, 142, 143, 247, 313, 363,
372, 377, 422, 423, 565, 574, 575, 577, 579, 580
Yeates, Joshua 578
Yeates, Judge 11
Yeates, Justice Jasper 103
Yeates’ house 372
Yeats, John 185
Yellow Fever 49, 71, 99, 152, 168, 184, 196, 347, 353, 406, 452
Yerkiss, Herman 302
Yett, Seth 448
Yoast, Jeremiah 455
York, PA 626
Yorktown 171, 307, 309
Yost, Jacob S. 547
Youatt, Mr. 384
Young 116
Young & Murray 358
Young Men’s Moravian Missionary Society 61
Young, Archibald 194
Young, Dr. Edward 616
Young, Dr. Jesse 614, 616
Young, Dr. William 363, 541
Young, Frederick 464
Young, Harry 168
Young, James 137, 168
Young, Jesse 427, 614
Young, John 236, 579
Young, John F. 584
Young, Laura 168
Young, Morton 168
Young, Robert 215, 287
Young, Thomas 168
Young, William W. 472
Yzard, Mich 14
Yzzard, Michael 313
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