John Hill Martin Sketch

John Hill Martin, Esq.

Chester (and its Vicinity),
Delaware County in Penna.
with Genealogical Sketches of some old families
Originally Published 1877

Fully indexed by
John A. Bullock III.

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- M -

M’Clearn, John 447
M’Gilton, John 265
M’Ilvain, S. 358
M’Ilvaine, Spencer 358
M’Lain, John 265
Maarte 77
MacAllister, Daniel 236
MacDaniel, Alexander 86
MacDaniel, Elinor 86
MacDaniel, Sarah 86
MacDaniel, William 86
Macedonian (British frigate) 560
Mackensie, Col. Robert 332
Mackensie, Dr. Samuel 332
Mackensie, Mary 332
Mackenzie 519
Mackenzie, Dr. R. Shelton 485
Mackey, Cornelius 236
Mackey, David 568
Mackey, John 214, 217, 567, 568, 586
Mackey, William 462
Macklam, Michael 448
Macky, Cornelius 265
Macky, Robert 193
Macopanachan 1
Macoponaca 365
Maddock 152, 630
Maddock, Charlton 168
Maddock, Edgar 168
Maddock, Eleanor 170
Maddock, Elizabeth 611
Maddock, Hannah 254
Maddock, Harry 168
Maddock, Henry 78, 79
Maddock, Israel 414
Maddock, James 410, 411, 413, 414
Maddock, John 79
Maddock, Lownes 254, 611
Maddock, Mordecai 95, 611
Maddock, Thomas 290
Maddock, Thomas H. Esq. 168, 410, 414, 584
Maddock, William 223, 254, 410, 414
Maddock, William W. 611, 630
Maddock, Willie 611
Maddux, Rev. J. B. 506
Madeira, Peter A. 440
Madgin 116
Madgin, Stephen 539
Madison Street 419, 506
Madison Street M. E. Church 506
Madison, President 171
Maffitt, Captain J. N. 52
Magaw, Col. Robert 207, 208
Magaw, Elizabeth 208
Magaw, Rev. Samuel 208
Magaw, Van Brunt 208
Magee, Charles 207
Maginn, James V. 584
Mahon, Dr. George D. 326
Maidenhead, NJ 131
Main Street 23, 104, 141, 395, 436
Major, John 464
Major, William 464
Makarisk-kiskon 3
Makeriskitton 3
Makeson, James 448
Makie, John 235
Makin, James 464
Malin, Francis 323
Malin, Randal 188
Malin, Randall 83, 84
Malin, Sarah 323
Malin, Thomas 328
Malin, Wm. H. 467
Maloney, Flemming 472
Maloney, John 239
Malvern Hill (Battle of) 474
Man, Abraham 577
Manaiung 371
Manatawny Road 137
Manayunk 430
Manley, Charles D. 238, 364, 392, 435, 543, 584
Manley, Henry DeHaven 472, 484
Mann 116
Manniunk 1
Mansson, Johan 18
Mansson, Peter 18
Marcellus, Dr. 342
March, John 82
Marchinton, Philip 223
Marcus Creek 77
Marcus Hook 5, 6, 15, 16, 19, 32, 34, 38, 50, 51, 58, 61, 65, 73, 76, 95, 96, 106, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 149, 170, 175, 182, 194, 206, 207, 264, 297, 304, 316, 346, 347, 348, 353, 354, 366, 378, 379, 388, 395, 397, 488, 489, 490, 501, 509, 516, 517, 518, 520, 535, 536, 542, 573, 600, 638
Marcus Hook Cross Roads 488
Maria Pickup (schooner) 625
Maris 564
Maris, Dr. Edward 616
Maris, Elizabeth 189, 298, 299
Maris, George 89, 177, 189, 299, 565
Maris, George L. 589
Maris, Jesse 204
Maris, Jesse J. 267, 285
Maris, John 250
Maris, Mary 298
Maris, Matthias 316
Maris, Richard 298
Marisqueton 3
Markes Creek 181
Market House 26, 104, 108, 154, 550
Market Lane 122
Market Place 102, 103, 104, 106, 127, 184, 244, 323
Market Place (Marcus Hook) 119, 120, 122
Market Square 100, 239, 324, 366, 482, 483, 484
Market Street 23, 101, 104, 108, 148, 154, 191, 202, 224, 267, 271, 307, 316, 320, 323, 327, 328, 330, 333, 334, 335, 367, 378, 428, 436, 482, 483, 505, 602, 608, 618
Markham, Dep. Gov. 33
Markham, Deputy Gov’r. Col. 28
Markham, Gov. 106, 108
Markham, Gov. Wm. 84, 564, 614
Markham, William 25
Markham, Wm. 313
Markis Creek 181
Marks, Rev. Samuel C. 110
Marlborough 503
Marlborough Township 502
Marlor, Robert 239
Marlor, William 446
Marlow, Jno. 155
Marlow, John 146, 147
Marlow, Joseph 146
Marlow, William 146
Marple 339, 366, 391, 612, 620
Marple Township 285, 286, 387
Marple, PA 177
Marr. Kill 182
Marr. Kill (Marcus Hook) 109
Marrietties Hook 5
Marriner. William 84
Marris, George 89, 214
Marritties 15
Mars (ship) 629
Marsden, Richard 144, 185, 594
Marsden, Richd 184
Marsey, Tho. 79
Marsh, Dr. Ralph C. 304
Marsh, Dr. Rolph C. 614
Marsh, Richard 78
Marshall 114, 116
Marshall, Abraham 587
Marshall, Andrew J. 447
Marshall, Ann 119, 122
Marshall, Ann (Armor) 122
Marshall, Aunt 118, 119
Marshall, D. A. 263
Marshall, David 118, 119, 120
Marshall, Edward 303
Marshall, Frances Ann 165
Marshall, Humphrey 591
Marshall, Jacob 165
Marshall, Jesse 121, 304
Marshall, John 115, 137, 263, 446
Marshall, Margaret 165
Marshall, Margaret Pyle 165
Marshall, Margaretta 120
Marshall, Mary 120, 123
Marshall, Mary (Tatnall) 123
Marshall, Morton 165
Marshall, Richard 165
Marshall, Squire 349
Marshall, Thomas 176, 299
Marshall, William 123
Marshall, William H. 263
Marshall, Wm. L. 589
Marshallton, PA 165
Marshalton 504
Marsham, Sir John 348
Marshman, Chandler 464
Marston, Commodore John 279
Marston, Francis Du Pont 279
Marston, John Jr. 279
Marston, Josiah Randall 279
Marston, Lieut. Col. Ward 279
Martch, John 8
Marten, Ann 119
Marten, Elizabeth 118, 119
Marten, John 56
Marten, Sarah 119, 120
Marten, Stephen 120
Marten, Thomas 82
Marten, Walter 106, 107, 118, 119, 120
Martens, Martin 14, 156
Martenson, Marten Jr. 157
Martenson, Mats 18, 157
Martensson, Marten Jr. 18
Martensson, Marten Sr. 18, 157
Marteson, Marton 156, 173
Martien, Charles 462
Martin 152, 396
Martin, Adelaide Nevins 457
Martin, Ann 117, 398
Martin, Ann Crosby 399, 400
Martin, Archer Nevins 457
Martin, Arthur 468, 481
Martin, Barbary 118
Martin, Capt. William 346
Martin, Col. Archer N. 72
Martin, Dr. Ernest D. 400
Martin, Dr. Ernest Dudley 259
Martin, Dr. George 614, 615, 617
Martin, Dr. William 38, 46, 71, 105, 184, 198, 232, 233, 238, 240, 244, 245, 300, 347, 397, 398, 399, 400, 407, 417, 421, 441, 442, 583, 614
Martin, Dr. Wm. 303, 579
Martin, Eleanor 407
Martin, Eleanor Crosby 71, 407, 441
Martin, Elizabeth 34, 117, 118
Martin, Ellen C. 383
Martin, Ellen Crosby 402, 405
Martin, Ernest Dudley 402, 405, 406
Martin, Frank B. 405
Martin, Georgiana 402, 405
Martin, Hannah 80, 117
Martin, Hannah (daughter of Walter Jr. & Barbary) 118
Martin, Isaac 78
Martin, J. Hill 347
Martin, Jane 117, 223, 399
Martin, Jane (Bushal) 122
Martin, John 8, 78, 80, 81, 117, 118, 140, 236, 237, 238, 239, 245, 264, 301, 354, 397, 398, 399, 407
Martin, John (2) 264, 398
Martin, John Hill 348, 402, 404
Martin, John Hill Jr. 405
Martin, Joseph 78
Martin, Joseph Jr. 263
Martin, Lazarus 263
Martin, Levi D. 263
Martin, Luther 402, 405
Martin, Margery 80
Martin, Mary 80, 117, 118, 398, 399, 407
Martin, Mary (2) 117
Martin, Mary (3) 117
Martin, Mary (daughter of Walter Jr. & Barbary) 118
Martin, Mary Welsh 402, 405, 406
Martin, Minshall 464
Martin, Mortimer Richmond Talbot 402, 405
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William 364
Martin, Mrs. William 364
Martin, Rachel 80
Martin, Richard G. 264
Martin, Robert L. 72, 283, 457
Martin, Sallie 35
Martin, Sally Ann 38
Martin, Sarah 34, 80, 117, 118, 398
Martin, Sarah Ann 402, 405, 406, 407
Martin, Sarah Ann (daughter of Mortimer R. T. & Harriet Martin) 405
Martin, Stephen 117, 118
Martin, Steven 117
Martin, Thad. K. 239
Martin, Thaddeus K. 239, 416
Martin, Tho. 80
Martin, Thomas 80, 84, 95
Martin, Thomas J. 265
Martin, Walter 22, 34, 67, 78, 80, 81, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 136, 354, 397, 566
Martin, Walter (2) 117
Martin, Walter Jr. 80
Martin, Walter T. 405
Martin, Walter Thompson 35
Martin, William 36, 105, 140, 147, 197, 234, 237, 238, 267, 275, 276, 278, 282, 283, 346, 357, 358, 363, 392, 396, 398, 399, 400, 401, 406, 407, 435, 436, 437, 438, 441, 442, 550, 559, 562, 583, 613
Martin, William (2) 402
Martin, William (son of Mortimer R. T. & Harriet Martin) 405
Martin, William H. 470, 481, 484, 485
Martin, William Jr. 26, 35, 283, 405, 515
Martin, William Junior 402
Martin, William Welsh 405
Martin, Wm. L. 465
Martin’s Bar 478
Martinson, Martin 156
Maryland (State of) 32, 63, 66, 354, 360, 368, 369, 503, 521, 529, 618
Masey, Thomas 108
Maskell, Mary Gray 292
Mason and Dixon 29, 31, 36
Mason and Dixon’s Line 31, 36
Mason, Benjamin 462, 471
Mason, Benjamin H. 472
Mason, Edward T. 481
Mason, William 470
Masonboro’ Inlet, NC 258
Massey, Edward 153
Massey, Elizabeth 153
Massey, James 300
Massey, Jemima 287
Massey, Susan 189
Masters, Thomas 574
Mather, Elizabeth 201
Mather, James 69, 70, 144, 145, 151, 194, 201, 322, 354
Mather, James (son of Thomas Mather) 201
Mather, James Jr. 201
Mather, Jane 64, 150, 201
Mather, Jno. 144, 145
Mather, John 64, 69, 137, 145, 146, 150, 201, 322, 566
Mather, John (son of Thomas Mather) 201
Mather, John Jr. 201, 578
Mather, John Sr. 201
Mather, Joseph 64, 428, 429, 430
Mather, Margaret 151
Mather, Mary 201, 354
Mather, Peter 151, 211
Mather, Richard 201
Mather, Ruth 64, 323
Mather, Sarah 201
Mather, Thomas 201
Mathers 152
Mathers, James 193, 209
Mathers, John 192, 193
Mathues, Charles W. 586
Mathues, Dr. A. W. 615, 616
Matlack, Rebecca 36
Matson, Neals 7, 9
Matson, Nehemiah 211
Matthews, Alexander 448
Matthews, John 563, 577
Matthias, Dr. M. 616
Mattiniconk Island 46
Mattinnaconck (Island) 82
Mattinneconk Island 178
Mattson, Edwin 450
Mattson, Johan 18
Mattson, Neeles 5
Mattson, Neils 8
Mattsson, Nils 18
Mauch Chunk, PA 293, 608
Maule, Thomas 502
Maxfield, John 142, 143
Maxwell, James 316
Maxwell, Maria G. 316
Maxwell, Nimrod 148, 316
Maxwell, Sarah Ann 316
May, Addison 588
May, Henry 170
May, Jane 500
May, Joan 500
Mayflower (ship) 49
Mayguckin, Thomas 466
Maylin, Randall 78
Mayne, Arthur 332
Mayne, Capt. William 331
Mayne, Jean 331
Mayne, John 332, 333
Mayne, Joseph 333
Mayne, Mary (Mackensie) 331
Mayne, Mary Ann 333
Mayne, Mary Mackensie 333
Mayne, Samuel 331, 332, 333
Mayne, Samuel (son of John Mayne) 333
Mayne, William 332, 333
McAfee, Capt. Robert 218, 219
McAffee, Capt. Robert 219
McAffee, George 446
McAffee, Wm. 219
McAllister, H. Jr. 457
McArthur, Archibald 623
McArthur, John Jr. 404
McArthur, John Sr. 404
McAtee, Benjamin F. 589
McAuley, Isabella 302
McBride, Charles 468, 481
McBride, Joseph 468
McBride, Wesley 448
McCabe, Edward 469
McCafferty, William 426
McCaffery, William 425
McCall, Robert 239, 466
McCall, Thomas Jr. 466
McCall, William 628
McCall’s List 575
McCalley, Alex. 211
McCaracher, Alex. 213
McCariher, Neal 220
McCarty, Capt. 36, 37
McCarty, Mary 36
McCaughey, J. Alfred 589
McCay, Capt. 217
McCay, John B. 272
McCay, John B. Jr. 465
McCay, Robert 582, 583
McCay, Robert Jr. 582
McCay, William 469
McCleaster, John 265
McClellan, Gen. 340
McClelland, Joseph 214
McClelland, W. 468
McClelland, William 483
McClenachan, Jno. 211
McClenaghan, Elijah 217
McClester, James 204
McClester, John 220
McClintock, Wm. H. 239
McCloskey, Henry 469
McCloud, John 601
McCloud, Mary 601
McClure’s survey 423
McClymont, James 462
McCollin, James G. 268
McCollum, Daniel 462
McConnell, Margaret 303
McConnell, William 462
McConville, Arthur 464
McCormick, James 176
McCormick, James (widow of) 44
McCormick, William 265
McCoull, John 192
McCourt, Robert 455
McCoy, Andrew 503
McCoy, Andrew (2) 503
McCoy, Isaac 503
McCoy, Joseph 461, 464, 503
McCoy, Martha 503
McCoy, Mary 503
McCoy, Robert 503
McCoy, William 503
McCracken, George Sr. 303
McCracken, John 448
McCrackin, Geo. W. 466
McCrea, Dr. James A. 404
McCready, Bernard 559, 562
McCue, Daniel 466
McCullough 225
McCullough, Geo. 193
McCullough, Thomas 44, 265, 303
McDade, Ambrose 471
McDade, James 465, 481
McDade, John S. 472
McDaniel, Samuel 446
McDaniels, John 448, 451, 481
McDevitt, Charles 525
McDonald, Benjamin 470
McDonald, John 469
McDonald, Owen 86
McDonald, William 470, 472
McDonough, John 222
McDowel, And. 192
McDowel, Andrew 193
McDowel, James 212
McDowell, Aletta 348
McDowell, Col. Andrew 566
McDowell, Col. Jno. 246
McDowell, Dr. John 214
McDowell, Edward Sayres 348
McDowell, Eleazer Twining 348
McDowell, Fannie 348
McDowell, Georgine 348
McDowell, John Austin 34
McEllwee, John J. 234
McElroy, Alexander 404
McFadden, John S. 462
McFaddon, James 470
McFall, John 470
McFall, John F. 462
McFarland, James B. 400, 438
Mcfarland, Rob't 145
McFeeters, John 272, 481, 484
McGahey, James 470
McGarvey, Thomas 469
McGee, Dr. James J. 616
McGill, Adly 286
McGilton, John 207
McGinely, Daniel 265
McGinnes, Chas. G. 466
McGinnes, William H. 447
McGinness, William 470
McGinty, Robert 484
McGlinn, Rev. Hugh 507
McGonegal, Lewis 465
McGovern, John 468
McGrath, Robert 447
McGrogen, Edward 447
McIlvain 162, 474
McIlvain estate 609
McIlvain Quarries 257
McIlvain, Ann 384
McIlvain, Annie 167, 168
McIlvain, Annie E. 254
McIlvain, Bishop 319
McIlvain, Charles 384, 499
McIlvain, Dr. J. P. 616
McIlvain, Edward 168, 254, 383
McIlvain, Eliza 499
McIlvain, Elizabeth 168, 383
McIlvain, Elizabeth Spencer 383, 499
McIlvain, George 168
McIlvain, Henry 254, 383, 529
McIlvain, Henry (2) 254
McIlvain, Howard 167, 455, 456
McIlvain, Hugh 410, 411
McIlvain, infant 168
McIlvain, Isaac 252, 290, 384, 410, 411
McIlvain, James 290, 384, 396, 410, 411
McIlvain, Jane 384
McIlvain, Jane Heaney 384
McIlvain, Jeremiah 168, 290, 383, 384, 410, 411, 430, 499
McIlvain, John 168, 252, 290, 291, 383, 384, 410, 411
McIlvain, John (son of John & Lydia Barnard McIlvain) 383
McIlvain, John S. 291
McIlvain, John Spencer 168, 384
McIlvain, Joseph 319, 383
McIlvain, Lydia 383
McIlvain, Lydia Barnard 383
McIlvain, Mary 319
McIlvain, Morton 167, 168
McIlvain, Robert 383
McIlvain, Samuel 384
McIlvain, Sarah 383
McIlvain, Sarah Morton 455
McIlvain, Spencer 167, 254, 383, 384, 414, 429, 430, 435, 438, 442, 499, 637
McIlvain, Spencer (son of Henry & Sallie McIlvain) 254
McIlvain, Susan Crosby 252
McIlvain, Thomas 252, 384
McIlvain, Widow 219
McIlvain, William 167, 455
McIlvain, William (2) 167
McIlvain’s Mill-dam 290
McIlvaine, Henry 461
McIlvaine, Jane Heaney 384
McIntire, Henry M. 589
McIntyre, Andrew 212
McKean, C. J. 297
McKean, Governor Thomas 160, 571, 580
McKean, Joseph B. 579, 580
McKean, Mr. 557
McKean, Thomas 578
McKee 116
McKee, John 212, 263
McKee, Rev. David 506
McKeever, Alexander 270
McKeever, Brig. Gen. Chauncey 536
McKeever, Capt. John 537
McKeever, Commodore Isaac 536
McKeever, James 35, 537
McKeever, John 537
McKeever, John Jr. 438
McKeever, Lawrence 536
McKeever, Reese 537
McKeever, Richard 537
McKeever, Wm. Murdock 35
McKinley, Dr. John 137
McKinley, James H. 481
McKinney, Daniel 471, 472
McKinney, David 568
McKinney, Thomas 238
McKinny, Archibald 413
McKnight, Wm. 192
McLane, Col. Allen 311, 312
McLane, Louis 312
McLauchlin, Lydia 170
McLauchlin, William 170
McLaughlin, Hugh 237
McLaughlin, T. M. 468
McLean, Major 171
McLochlin, Dennis 422
McMahan, Matthew 204
McMahon, Matthew 220
McMakin, John 193
McMichael, Ann 304
McMickell, Lieut. 488
McMullen, Jas. 212
McMullin, Emmadonna 627
McMullin, George O. 627
McMullin, Georgie Hammond 627
McMullin, James 466
McMullin, John A. 627
McMullin, Mary W. 627
McMullin, Robert 193
McMullin, Thurlow 627
McNair, John 547
McNamee, Joseph 525
McNamee, Thomas 446
McNamee, W. 468
McNeal, Archibald 447
McNeal, John 168
McNeal, Susan 168
McNeally, George 234
McNeally, Robert 235
McNeil, Rev. R. 509
McNeil, Sarah 503
McNeil, William 446, 503
McNeild, Henry D. 472
McNemara, Thomas 577
McNutty, Matthew 265
McPherson, John 203, 578
McPherson, Kate 203
McPherson, Maria 204
McPherson, Robert 203
McPherson, W. J. 465
McSorley, Edward 642
McSwainy, Miles 265
McVeagh, Wayne 589
McWilliams, Hetty 35
McWilliams, Richard 35
Meade, General 479
Meader, A. A. 420, 635
Meadville, PA 324
Mechanic Rifles of Chester, The 462
Mechanic Street 609
Mechanics’ Reading Room 602, 635
Meconkey, Elbridge 589
Mecopanacha 1
Meco-po-nack-a 1
Media American 187, 305, 638
Media and Chester Narrow Gauge R. R. Co. 379
Media, PA 186, 187, 188, 247, 324, 366, 378, 384, 428, 443, 459, 538, 583, 608, 632, 641
Medical Museum 341
Medical Reporter 171
Meechoppenackhan 1
Meekins, John F. 447, 457
Meekins, Orderly Sergeant 459
Meigs, Dr. Charles D. 616
Mellor, Jonas 464
Memminger, Thomas 579
Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania 2, 17
Mendenhall, Aaron 299, 620
Mendenhall, Ann 224, 298, 299
Mendenhall, Ann (2) 224
Mendenhall, Benj. 80, 107
Mendenhall, Benjamin 224, 298, 299
Mendenhall, Benjamin (son of Robert Mendenhall) 299
Mendenhall, Benjamin Jr. 299
Mendenhall, Cyrus 298
Mendenhall, Elizabeth 298
Mendenhall, George 299
Mendenhall, Hannah 299
Mendenhall, Hannah (daughter of Robert Mendenhall 299
Mendenhall, Henry 444
Mendenhall, Jas. 235
Mendenhall, John 80, 107, 298, 299, 547, 620
Mendenhall, John (son of John & Elizabeth Mendenhall) 299
Mendenhall, Joseph 299
Mendenhall, Mary 298
Mendenhall, Moses 80, 299
Mendenhall, Moses (son of Benjamin) 299
Mendenhall, Nathan 299
Mendenhall, Philip 299
Mendenhall, Phoebe (Thomas) 298
Mendenhall, Rebecca 299
Mendenhall, Robert 298, 299, 567
Mendenhall, Rob't 205
Mendenhall, Samuel 299
Mendenhall, William S. 453
Mendinghall, Amos 213
Menough, John H. 467
Menough, Jos. R. 467
Mercer, Captain 258
Mercer, General 207
Mercer, Robert P. 613
Merchants and Manufacturers’ Steam Freight Line 622
Mercurius (ship) 34
Meredith, James M. 588
Meredith, Joseph 316
Meredith, Mary 503
Meredith, Rev. 506
Meredith, Sarah 316
Meredith, William M. 429, 587
Meridith, David 143
Merion 47
Merion Cricket Club (Haverford) 602, 603
Merlin, Louis 266
Merrill, Rev. 506
Merrion, Thomas 265
Merryhew, James 235
Merryhew, Joseph 235
Merwin, Miles 579
Messchert, H. M. 404
Messey, Thenis 212
Metacomet (ship) 258
Meuros, Allen 58
Meyer, Christopher 18
Meyers, Henry 583
Miamisburg, OH 315
Michael, William B. 447
Michelon, J. G. 271
Michener, Jno. H. 439
Michener’s Retrospect of Early Quakerism 105
Michielson, Lambert 14
Mickence, Alexander 87
Middle Neck 175
Middle Run 175
Middle Street 202, 594
Middle Ward 380, 529, 530, 638
Middle ward school building 636
Middleton, Edwin Jr. 457
Middleton, George W. 453
Middletown Presbyterian Church 285
Middletown Road 93, 219
Middletown Township 245, 285
Middletown, PA 62, 80, 194, 203, 220, 245, 247, 248, 282, 286, 298, 299, 315, 326, 327, 328, 339, 366, 387, 392, 397, 427, 501
Midle Towne, PA 259
Mifflin Guards, The 263
Mifflin, Governor Thomas 197, 573
Mifflin, John F. 579
Mifflin, Joseph 202
Mifflin, Thomas 586
Mifflin, Thos. 245
Mildenhall 298
Miles, Col. Samuel 206, 213
Miles, George W. 588
Miles, J. Wesley 466
Miles, Wesley 168
Miles, William Jr. 467
Mill Kill 156, 173
Mill, James 107, 142, 143
Miller 116
Miller & Allen 529
Miller, Ada Beale 256
Miller, Anna G. 304
Miller, Annie 384
Miller, Benj’n 213
Miller, Benjamin 410
Miller, Benjamin I. 590
Miller, David 490
Miller, David D. 336
Miller, David F. 336
Miller, Edgar 384
Miller, Eliza 336
Miller, Ellen 384
Miller, Emma 34
Miller, George 384, 435, 595, 596
Miller, George (1) 595
Miller, George D. 465
Miller, H. W. 179
Miller, James 211, 410
Miller, James J. 256
Miller, John 189, 193, 212, 566
Miller, John F. 312
Miller, Joseph 471
Miller, Levis 384, 444
Miller, Levis (2) 384
Miller, Lewis 367
Miller, Lizzie 384
Miller, Marshall 481
Miller, Mary 384, 595
Miller, Mr. 34, 167, 553
Miller, Mrs. 174
Miller, Peter 469
Miller, Rachel 336
Miller, Rebecca 410
Miller, Robert 591
Miller, Valentine 212
Miller, W. S. 553
Miller, Walter Queen 256
Miller, Warwick 567
Miller, William 167, 194, 205, 235, 467, 481
Miller, William H. 447, 460
Mills, Alex. 209
Mills, G. 481
Mills, George 466
Mills, James 468
Mills, Mary Ann 189
Mills, Richard 78
Mills, Robert 469
Mills, Thomas 448, 469
Mills, William 471
Millson, John 465
Milmore, Martin 485
Milne, Caleb J. 404
Milne, F. F. 404
Milner, James 579
Milnr, Ann 79
Milnr, Jos. 79
Milnr, Rachell 79
Milnr, Ralph 79
Milnr, Robert 79
Milnr, Sarah 79
Miner, Charles 139, 140, 226
Miner, Wm. Penn 588
Mingoes 77
Mink, Paul 18
Minquas Island 122
Minquas Kill 122
Minquas Tribe 77
Minshal, John 185
Minshall, Edmund 51
Minshall, Edward 51, 263, 525
Minshall, Jesse D. 466, 471
Minshall, John 421, 422
Minshall, Moses 50
Minshall, Thomas 50, 51, 78, 105, 188
Minshall, William Anderson 51
Minshall, Wm. Anderson 548
Minster, David 468
Minuit, Peter 3
Mirkil, Isaiah H. 363
Mirkil, Thomas H. 481
Mirt, Robert 471
Mistletoe (revenue cutter) 531
Mitchel, Hance 109
Mitchell, Andrew 205
Mitchell, Daniel 263
Mitchell. James 566
Mixon, Tho. Jr. 80
Mixon, Thomas 80
Moens, Hans 15
Moffitt 116
Mohorhoottink 174
Mokornipatis 173
Molica, Eric 18
Moll, John 32, 565, 578
Mompesson, Roger 574, 575, 577
Monaghan, Robert E. 588
Monaghan, Robert Jones 589
Monas Island 519
Mondal 174
Monmouth 88, 171
Monmouth County, NJ 207
Monroe, James (U.S. President) 489
Monroe, Joseph 239
Monroe, Michael 222
Montgomery 131
Montgomery (ship) 206
Montgomery County 57, 203, 310, 326, 538, 546, 547, 570, 571, 586, 593
Montgomery County Cavalry 266
Montgomery Grays, The 484
Montgomery, Bessie 340, 341
Montgomery, Col. William 166, 215, 217
Montgomery, D. 338
Montgomery, James 471
Montgomery, Jas. 193
Montgomery, Samuel 443, 469, 481
Montgomery, William 205, 216, 579
Montgomery, William W. 603
Moore 116
Moore (widow) 295
Moore, Asa 340
Moore, Captain Henry 558
Moore, Charles 193
Moore, Col. James 215
Moore, David S. 447
Moore, Dr. J. M. 614
Moore, Dr. J. Morris 616
Moore, Dr. Nicholas 574
Moore, Dr. Samuel 292
Moore, George W. 419
Moore, Guyon 193
Moore, Israel 246
Moore, James 204, 215, 465, 567, 568, 586
Moore, Jane 74
Moore, Jeffries 587
Moore, John 81, 85, 207, 212, 215, 577, 579, 580
Moore, Mary 41, 304
Moore, Mary (daughter of Richard) 81
Moore, Mary (wife of Richard) 81
Moore, Mordecai 566
Moore, Mr. 114
Moore, Rachel 304
Moore, Rev. Mr. 505
Moore, Richard 81
Moore, Thomas 107, 108, 211, 550, 552
Moore, Widow 213
Moore, William 192, 235, 470, 471, 566
Moorehouse, Eliza C. 172
Moorehouse, Judge Eben B. 172
Moran, William 381
Moravian Historical Society 1
Moravian school for girls 36
Moravian Seminary for Boys (Nazareth, PA) 479
Moreton (Morton), Aaron 165
Moreton, Aaron 235
Morgan Iron Works 607
Morgan, Annie 80
Morgan, Ben. 80
Morgan, Ben. R. Jr. 579
Morgan, Capt. William 264
Morgan, Col. 207, 246
Morgan, Col. Jacob Jr. 246
Morgan, D. T. 438
Morgan, Elizabeth 80, 280
Morgan, Evan 185
Morgan, Isaac 279
Morgan, James 461, 471
Morgan, John 185, 395, 492
Morgan, John J. 483
Morgan, Jos. 80
Morgan, Mary 304
Morgan, Rev. R. U. 222, 237, 280, 286, 287, 288
Morgan, Rev. Richard U. 110, 285, 286, 288
Morgan, Rev. Rich'd Umstead 149
Morgan, Thomas 24, 185, 421, 547, 564
Morgan, William 80
Moriarty, Timothy 207
Morning Star (ship) 80
Morrell, Robert 193
Morris Canal (NJ) 527
Morris, Annie Preston 324
Morris, Anthony 574, 579
Morris, Arabella 324
Morris, Bishop 303
Morris, Dr. Jonathan 205
Morris, Edward Joy 360
Morris, Elizabeth 535
Morris, Hampden 462
Morris, James 447, 462, 481
Morris, John 518, 578
Morris, John Jr. 582
Morris, Jonathan 211
Morris, Joseph R. 238, 324, 583, 628
Morris, Luke 214
Morris, Miss 633, 634
Morris, Mr. 44, 415
Morris, Mrs. 302
Morris, Philip 44, 239, 410
Morris, Richard Hill 231, 303, 568, 569
Morris, Robert (the Signer) 161
Morris, Samuel P. 447
Morris, William 14, 303, 578
Morris’ Ferry 44, 165, 166, 176, 177, 178, 410
Morrison, David W. 239, 363, 471
Morrison, John 185
Morrison, Sarah 387
Morrison, William P. 471, 481
Morten 175
Morten, Morten 44, 173
Mortens, Lace 157
Mortens, Mort Jr. 157
Mortense, Mort Sr. 157
Mortensen, Knoet 109
Mortenson, Canute 175
Mortenson, Morten 156
Morteson, John 156
Morteson, Lors 156
Mortinson, Cornute 175
Morton 116, 152, 156, 162, 172, 174, 474, 630
Morton Avenue 169, 219, 383, 420, 621
Morton Rifles, The 483
Morton Station 71, 175, 176, 632
Morton, Aaron 146, 165, 166, 169, 176, 264, 410, 411, 544
Morton, Aaron (son of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Aaron Taylor 167, 176, 254, 455
Morton, Albert 167
Morton, Andreas 157
Morton, Andrew 158, 159
Morton, Ann 165, 167, 170, 171, 176
Morton, Ann Crosby 167, 384, 455
Morton, Annesley 168
Morton, Annesley N. 459
Morton, Annesley Newlin 168, 453
Morton, Annie 167
Morton, Benjamin 165
Morton, Benjamin N. 168, 176
Morton, Benjamin N., Jr. 168
Morton, Bridget 159
Morton, Canute 6, 175
Morton, Catharine Plummer 167, 169
Morton, Charles 167
Morton, Charles J. 410
Morton, Charlotte 544
Morton, Charlotte (daughter of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Christiana 158
Morton, Crosby (son of Judge Sketchley & Elizabeth) 168
Morton, Crosby P. 129, 169, 254, 363, 410, 529, 530, 611
Morton, Crosby Peirce 65, 167
Morton, Daniel 155, 410
Morton, Dr. Charles J. 613, 614, 616
Morton, Dr. Charles Justis 167, 419, 445, 615
Morton, Dr. John 169
Morton, Eliza 167
Morton, Elizabeth 165, 168, 169
Morton, Elizabeth (daughter of Martin Morton) 176
Morton, Elizabeth Coburn 544
Morton, Elizabeth N. 168
Morton, Ellen 167
Morton, Ellen Crosby 168
Morton, Ellen E. 410
Morton, Ellen Elizabeth 167, 168
Morton, Erasmus 116, 175
Morton, Erasmus (2) 176
Morton, Erasmus (3) 176
Morton, Fanny (Armitt) 165
Morton, Franklin H. 167
Morton, George 146
Morton, Hannah (daughter of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Hattie 168
Morton, Isaac 410
Morton, Israel 410
Morton, Jeremiah 168
Morton, John 158
Morton, John (2) 165
Morton, John (Father of the Signer) 159
Morton, John (son of Aaron & Elizabeth) 165
Morton, John (son of Annesley Newlin & Elizabeth Morton) 168
Morton, John (the Signer) 41, 67, 76, 146, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 171, 176, 483, 490, 501, 566, 575. See
Morton, John C. 167, 446
Morton, John Crosby 167, 168
Morton, John Farson Annesley 168
Morton, John S. 148, 167, 168, 169, 174, 176, 630
Morton, John S. (mother of) 177
Morton, John S. (son of Judge Sketchley & Elizabeth) 168
Morton, Jonas 158
Morton, Judge Sketchley 166, 167, 168, 175, 176, 452, 485
Morton, Justis 166
Morton, Justis (2) 165
Morton, Knoet (Canute) 175
Morton, Laurence 159
Morton, Lydia 165, 169
Morton, Major Sketchley 159, 162, 165, 166, 167, 174, 208, 217
Morton, Margaret 159, 351
Morton, Martin 175
Morton, Martin (2) 175
Morton, Mary 158, 165, 167, 168, 169
Morton, Mary (daughter of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Mary (daughter of Martin Morton) 175
Morton, Mary Ann 165
Morton, Mathias 158
Morton, Matthias 156, 157, 158, 159
Morton, Morton 158
Morton, Mrs. John S. 175
Morton, PA 167, 168
Morton, Peter 158
Morton, Rebecca 167
Morton, Rebecca Boon 158
Morton, Rebecca Taylor 167, 168
Morton, Richard 165
Morton, Samuel 202, 502
Morton, Sarah 165, 167, 169
Morton, Sarah (daughter of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Sketchley 146, 205, 444, 570
Morton, Sketchley (son of Judge Sketchley & Elizabeth) 168
Morton, Sketchley Jr. 168, 451, 452, 459
Morton, Sketchley, Jr. (son of Benjamin N. & Mary 168
Morton, Squire 165
Morton, Susan 168, 384
Morton, Susan Crosby 167, 168
Morton, Susanna (daughter of Crosby P. & Sarah Ann 169
Morton, Susannah Crosby 611
Morton, Thomas (son of Erasmus Morton 2) 176
Morton, Virginia 168
Mortonsen, Morton 176, 177
Mortonson, Andreas 157
Mortonson, Andrew 157, 158
Mortonson, David 157
Mortonson, John 157, 158
Mortonson, Katharine 157
Mortonson, Laurence 158
Mortonson, Margaret 157, 158
Mortonson, Matthias 157
Mortonson, Morton 156, 157, 158, 159, 339
Mossop, Mrs. 98
Mott, Eugene K. 613
Mott, John 466
Mott, Joseph S. 448
Mould, Thomas 239
Moulder 114, 116
Moulder, Jane 62
Moulder, Joseph 535
Moulder, Mary 287, 535
Moulder, Robert 108, 212, 337
Moulder, Robert ?) 501
Moulder, Sarah 501
Moulder’s Pier 108
Mount Lenape 46
Mount Melech (Upland) 622
Mousley, George 468
Mowry, Lewis 410
Mowry, Rev. Philip H. 508
Moyamensing Hook and Ladder Co. 482, 484, 609
Mucanippott 157
Muckinipattus 173, 174
Muckinipatus 44
Muckinnipper Creek 177
Mud Island 72
Muhlenberg, Dr. Henry Melchior 165
Muhlenberg, Mr. 271
Muir’s wharf 622
Mullen, John 272
Mullen, Marion 169
Mullen, Thomas 272
Muller, Capt. 38
Muller, Mary 211
Muller, Mrs. 38
Mullin, Rev. 506
Mullin, Thomas J. 613
Munday, Henry 11, 185, 383
Munday’s Run 219, 383, 385
Munrow, Jonathan 67
Munshower, John 240
Murdock & Sharp Stage Coach 317
Murphy, Francis 237
Murphy, Rev. John K. 562
Murray, Rev. Charles E. 300
Musgrave, Joseph 205, 216
Musgrove, Elizabeth 62
Musgrove, Esther 213
Mustin, Theop. D. 239
Muttagooppa 3
Mutual Deposite Insurance Association 405
Myers, George 265
Myers, Henry 209, 287, 326, 332, 435, 436, 570, 585
Myers, John 266
Myers, Mary Ann 332
Myers, Meras 213
Myers, Persifer 332
Myers, Wm. Henry 332


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