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Chester High School, erected 1901

Chester High School

Class of 1902


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Chester Schools

Chester High School

Chester High Reunions

The following list of Chester High School graduates is from the Manual of the Public Schools of the City of Chester, PA, available at the Delaware County Historical Society Research Library.
Last Name First Name Middle Name Deceased Married Name Course Notes/Additional Info
Blakeley Abraham Gustavus a
Blakeley Sarah Gertrude Madeline a
Bond George Wells a
Cheetham Philena Pennell a
Conwell Edward Lawrence a
Curry Mary a
Feeley Helen Gregory a
Fenton Mary Elizabeth a
Fisher Jennie Martin a
Gandy Bertha Depue a
Hannum Elsie Berne a
Hart Estelle a
Kilmore Elsie May a
Kilson Ada Darling a
Ladomus Henrietta Powell a
Lawler Mary Cecilia a
McClenachan Ella Barry a
Quimby Pearl Imbody a
Rodgers Anna Isabella a
Stetser James Gillespie Blaine a
Ullman Selma a
Weir Abigail Dunlap a
Wilson Hattie Sidella a
Chadwick Edward Wallace c
McCartney Eugene Stock c
Stifler Francis Carr c
Anderson Elizabeth Jane n
Andrews Lida Boyd n
Beggs Joline n
Blakeley Margaret n
Bleyler Clara Delilah n
Burke Anna n
Fulton Frances Marie n
Hall Maude n
Kennedy Mabel Ella n
Taylor Bessie Bardsley n
Wilde Helen n
Cox Jessie Ledward n
Ayars Mary Cook co
Blakeley Annie Hood co
Booth Helen Alois co
Brandeis Eugene co
Bunyea Clara Lucy co
Crooks Bella Struthers co
Cullin Anna Rosalie co
Donaldson Sadie Branson co
Doyle Mary Josephine co
Fortune Maire Ellen co
Furlong John Hamilton co
Hamilton William Henry co
Laughead Katherine Forwood co
Melick Mary Purcell co
Norton Robert Hawthorne co
Oliver Hannah co
Roberts Estelle Bodey co
Shinkle Gertrude co
Thompson Margaret co
Vanaman May Bates co
Watson Thomas Joseph co
Watson Thomas Paul co



a = "Academic"
c = "Classical"
co = "Commercial Department"
n = "Normal Class"



If you have any information and or pictures that you would like to contribute about Chester, please forward it to john@oldchesterpa.com

© 2002 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 10/18/05