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Old Chester, PA: Biographical Sketches

Mary Williamson Watson

Mary Williamson Watson; Photo courtesy of Chris Gibbs

Photograph courtesy of
Chris Gibbs

Mary Williamson Watson

(A biographical sketch by Chris Gibbs)

Mary Williamson, daughter of Lewis Williamson and Mary Emma Tyson Williamson, was born in Chester on March 24, 1875. She was of English extraction and was possibly a Baptist. She lived at 209 West 4th Street in Chester, Pennsylvania with her family from at the latest 1910 until her death in Chester on December 9, 1927. Her father, Lewis, died at the West 4th Street location in 1913. Mary was married to John G Watson about 1895 and they had seven children: Hanna, John, James, Howard, Eva, Edgar and Elma. Mary is buried at Chester Rural Cemetery, Chester, Pennsylvania, Sec S, Lot 187. 





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© 2005 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 11/02/05