Home > Biographies > H. Louis Morris

Old Chester, PA: Biographical Sketches

H. Louis Morris

H. Louis Morris

Who's Who in Delaware County 1926
Press of Chester Times, John T. Donahue, Editor

Contributed by his great grandson, L. Paul Morris, Jr.

H. Louis Morris, one of the leading contractors and builders in Delaware County, resides in Chester, at 312 West Seventh street. Started business in 1901, building many schools and churches. Born in Salisbury, Maryland, on November 8th, 1869, the son of Thomas C. and Elizabeth Fooks Morris. A member of the Masonic fraternity, Chester Lodge, 236; Chester Chapter, R. A. M., and Chester Commandery, K.T.; a member of Lu Lu Temple, Mystic Shrine, and the first Past Grand Tall Cedar of Penn Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon; a member of the P. O. S. of A., Independent Order Americans and the Modern Woodmen. In politics a Republican, having served as Select Councilman in the City of Chester. Mr. Morris is a member of the Presbyterian Church. His wife is Georgie Hilghman Morris, and their children, Howard F. Morris, Homer I. Morris, A. Gilbert Morris and Grace A. Morris. The sport enjoyed most by Mr. Morris is baseball and motoring, while his hobby is fraternal work.





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