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Old Chester, PA: Biographical Sketches

Joseph Jefferis

Joseph Jefferis

Photograph from the 1939 Chester High School Annual
available at Delaware County Historical Society

Joseph Jefferis

(A biographical sketch by Nancy Hewes, June 1939, from the 1939 Chester High School Annual available at Delaware County Historical Society.)

"Mr. Joseph Jefferis, superintendent of the grounds and building at Chester High School for thirty-six years, died on April 14, not quite two years after his retirement.

Before his appointment to this position, Mr. Jefferis was a school director, serving during the construction period of Chester High School. This kind gentleman was active in politics in this vicinity, and was an ardent sportsman, being especially interested in fishing and baseball.

In recent years he made frequent visits to Florida, where he fished for big game. After each trip, Mr. Jefferis had many interesting stories to tell the students and members of the faculty.

The highlight of his enthusiasm over baseball was his friendship with Jimmy Foxx, former Athletics player, who is at present with the Boston Red Sox. Mr. Jefferis also had occasion to chat with Mickey Cochrane, another famous baseball star.

While he was employed by the school district, the high school campus increased in beauty from year to year under his artistic care. He was a familiar figure to all the students and teachers. To some he gave the impression of being a rather stern, dignified person, but to those who really knew him and had the opportunity to talk with him, Mr. Jefferis was one of the kindest and most fun-loving persons they had ever known. Many graduates can remember times when he rescued them from scrapes.

In remembrance of the cheerful aid which Mr. Jefferis has given many of them, the seniors wish to commemorate his services in this, their Annual."






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© 2003 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 10/17/05