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Old Chester, PA: Biographical Sketches

Thomas Monteith Hamilton

 Thomas M. Hamilton

Photograph from
One Hundred Years, The Delaware County Nation Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914

Thomas Monteith Hamilton

(A biographical sketch taken from One Hundred Years, The Delaware County National Bank Chester, PA 1814-1914)

Thomas Monteith Hamilton (fourth cashier of The Delaware County National Bank, 1904 - -), son of John and Margaret (Armstrong) Hamilton, was born at Philadelphia, January 21, 1861. He was educated in the public schools of that city, graduating from the Central High School in June, 1877. He entered the office of the late Col. Perry M. Washabaugh, who was then notary of The Delaware County National Bank, as a student at law. In 1881, when it was necessary for the bank to have extra clerical assistance for a season, Mr. Hamilton was called upon, and he discharged the duties so acceptably that he was nominated for a permanent clerical position in the institution, and elected January 23, 1882. In 1903, Bethuel T. Hall's health became so impaired that Mr. Hamilton was appointed to discharge the duties of cashier during his absence; and when Mr. Hall resigned, on May 23, 1904, Thomas M. Hamilton was elected cashier, a position he still holds. [1914]





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© 2002 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 10/17/05